Saturday, December 1, 2012

Choice 1 Acts 19-20

Five Priesthood ordinances Paul performed:
Holy Ghost
Raising the Dead

1.) Baptism
2.) It's critical for a person to be baptized by the right authority, because if it's done with the wrong authority, it doesn't count.
3.) He laid his hands on their heads and gave them the Holy Ghost.
4.) The sabbath was on the first day of the week.

Choice 2: 2Peter 2 Teaching

1.    Read 2 Peter 2:1–19. Record the characteristics of false teachers described by Peter. Explain in writing how your list helps you recognize false teachers today.
 Deny the Lord
Lust after things
Deny Government
speak evil of things they don't understand
speak words of vanity
I feel like after making this list, it'd be pretty easy to spot false teachers, but that isn't the case. False teachers are also the master of disguise, slowly leading you down to destruction. When I think of false teachers, I can't help but think of the preachers on TV shows (like the 700 Club). Whenever I watch those types of shows, I just get an uncomfortable feeling. I know those preachers are doing it for the money, it's all for show, which just makes me uncomfortable. But on the outside, it looks pretty good, on the inside, I can't help but feel their false teachings.
2.    Read 2 Peter 2:20–22; Doctrine and Covenants 82:3, 7. In your own words, write a few sentences describing the dangers of returning to the “pollutions of the world.”
I think one of the biggest dangers of returning to the ways of the world is that for a person do to that, they must deny everything they once knew to be true. It's denying a part of you, giving up yourself for momentary satisfaction. The "happiness" you gain from following the world is not eternal, and when you die, it's like a slap in the face with the realization that you made the stupidest mistake ever.