Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Long Time, No write.

I've been busy. Since my last post, I've changed a lot. A lot has happened. I got a job (much to my grandparents dismay) and I've started school once again. Like I said, I've been busy. A few posts ago I talked about how I WILL learn how to cook. Well guess whose working on that goal! I've made crepes and this yummy pasta dish. I'm going to start taking pictures and posting them here of the ones that turn out well, and the ones that didn't. Maybe I'll even post the recipe. You know me, I am sometimes forgetful. So we'll see how that goes.
The reason I'm posting is because I believe if you write something down, it's more likely to happen. I have some goals for the semester (things I want to cross off my bucket list). So here they are:
1) Learn how to change a tire and change my oil
2) Read Atlas Shrugged (I've already started it)
3) Kiss in the rain
4) Lose 10 lbs (not on my bucket list but still important)

Alright. Now I just gotta get to work :)

1 comment:

  1. I can help you with the tire and the 10 lbs (I work out every MWF but can basically anytime you want). The others... not so much! :)
