Sunday, March 18, 2012

Atlas Shrugged

In August of 2010 I took on the impossible task of reading one of the most controversial books of all time, for pure enjoyment. This book is one of Nate's favorite books. I was in need of a summer read and followed his advice and got the book. Little did I know the book was full of complex ideals and words I didn't understand. The 1,064 pages of the book should have been a warning to me. The small print and long chapters should have been another warning. After a year and a half of dreading, complaining, and frustration over this book, I have finally started to like it. Not only like it, but I am unable to put it down at points. I still do not understand all the politics of the book, Nate helps me with that, but I enjoy reading about a world that I know nothing about. Isn't that why we read? To escape reality into a world that isn't like our own? I will never be an owner of a transcontinental railway or discover a revolutionary new metal that will change the way the whole world functions, but I can read about it. The dynamics of Dagny and Reardens relationship both fascinate me and frustrate me. I think that the government in the book is stupid. I hope our world never comes to the world they live in. I am proud of my progress in the book, I am about 100 pages to HALF way... I plan to have it finished by the time I head back to Rexburg. An impossible task, but if Rearden did the impossible, so can I!

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