Everywhere I turn I'm bombarded with
"Eat this!" "Drink That!" "Be Beautiful!"
All at the aim to be thin.
I shudder when I hear him say
"Stop eating, that's how you loose weight"
Why can't I just be me?
Do I have to be a paper cut out of every girl in Cosmo to be beautiful?
"Wear you're hair this way,
You'll get a guy then"
"Once you loose 40 lbs,
THEN that guy will call"
Only once you conform to societies idea of beauty
will you have a date on Friday night.
I don't need you to tell me I'm not good enough,
I tell myself that every day
Every hour
Every second.
I look in the mirror and see a strong independent woman
screaming to get out
But she gets pushed aside by all those voices telling her to stay inside
and be quiet.
Someday I'll find a guy
who loves me for me.
And it won't be because I wear my hair a certain way
or lost 50 lbs.
No, It's going to be because that girl in the mirror finally fought the urge
to be thin.