Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I'm not sure if these updates are interesting to anyone besides me, but that's ok because this is really for ME!
The past few days I've been so busy that I haven't been able to work out that much, however, I have been eating FANTASTIC because I know that if I can't workout, I don't want to ruin my progress. My diligence has made my weight loss a total of 16 POUNDS! I was shocked to get on the scale and see the numbers shrinking ever so slightly, yet consistently! Everything is working! I have the lovely Kris Ward working out with me every other day, so that helps keep me motivated as well.
After doing our 40 minute workout, and eating Jimmy Johns with Brianna and Terry [I splurged, but it's as many calories as subway and WAY more delicious, so I figure it's ok ;)] I decided to go for a run, just to see what my mile time was. The last time I ran the mile was 16minutes and 6 seconds. Not amazing, but not AWFUL for not running the mile in YEARS. Well today, I am proud to announce that I ran the mile in 14 minutes and 8 seconds! Almost a two minute improvement! Oh, and I also did it without stopping, at all. Not even when I thought my legs were going to crumble underneath me. I kept pushing. I'm not dumb, I know at 14 minute mile is slow, but it's IMPROVEMENT! All my pants are starting to get too big for me, and pants that haven't fit since my second semester(TWO years!!!) fit now, they are a little snug, but Aubrey says it's the good kind of snug. haha! I'm so grateful I have so much support from my family and friends!
Life is good.


  1. I'm SO SO SOOOOO proud of you!!!! by the end, we're both gonna look even more smokin' hott than we already do! you better get a REALLY big stick to fight off all those boys coming your way ;)

  2. Go Shelby, go!!! Thanks for inspiring me today. I needed it!

  3. I read your blog. GOOD JOB SHELBY!! I wish I could get up off my butt. It's a work in progress! Keep working it :)

  4. oh, my dearest SHELBY why are you so grEaT? If you need an excercise buddy for the other days I am totally in!

  5. good job shelby! you are my inspiration! :)

  6. Good for you!!! I dont think I could run a mile without stopping, let alone in 14 min. Good job!!!
