Saturday, May 29, 2010


I feel like I need to express my gratitude and thank my Heavenly Father for all that He has done for me. On Monday I was really struggling. A lot was on my plate and I just felt like I couldn't handle it anymore. School, Self-Esteem and stress where just getting to be too much, plus I was getting sick so that didn't help. I was breaking down. I called (well texted) my home teachers, I needed a blessing. They came over and gave me the most incredible blessing of my life. The Lord truly knows what we need to hear and who is able to be in tune to tell us. I'm grateful that my home teachers are worthy priesthood holders who where worthy in my time of need. I'm grateful for Brianna, and the strength she gives me when I am weak. I'm grateful for my Grandparents and that they have supported me in my College 'career'. I'm grateful to be at this school and for the spirit I feel here. I'm grateful that I found the church at a young time in my life where I was old enough to make the decision but young enough to not be to stubborn to listen to the Spirit. I'm grateful for my FHE family and how they can lift my spirits when all I wanna do is curl up in my bed and cry. I'm grateful for my friends back home who are willing to listen and comfort me. But most of all, I'm grateful for my Heavenly Father and that He knows me and knows exactly what I need. I love Him. I love Christ. And I love the People in my life. I got a letter from Josh today and he sent me a scripture that I needed. It's D&C 90:24: Search Diligently, pray always, and be believing, and all things shall work together for your good, if ye walk uprightly and remember the covenant wherewith ye have covenanted one with another. How can he know what I need when he's so far a way? The Lord. That's how. I am so blessed.

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